Mobile phones come in various shapes and sizes, and finding a perfect mobile cover can sometimes be frustrating and expensive. Buying an ideal phone cover might cost you rupees 300-400. Now you don’t need to spend this sum of extra as one can easily make a custom phone cover. This phone cover is not only cheaper but also enhance the look of your phone. In this article, we will discuss five different simple ways through which one can easily make a mobile cover at home.

You can easily create a decorative mobile cover at home by using only a shampoo bottle. Yeah, most of the products we will discuss are available at your home, or you might find them in your nearby store. Let’s dive into four methods that might be useful for you if you’re thinking about how to make a mobile cover at home?

Making a mobile cover using a Shampoo bottle

Material Required

        Shampoo bottle



        Candle or lighter

Shampoo Bottle

Shampoo Bottle




Candle or lighter

Candle or lighter



        Firstly, one needs to cut the shampoo bottle, which should be more significant than a mobile device; once you have done that, one needs to place the mobile phone on the top of the shampoo bottle (which have been cut) and need to draw an outer line of the device on the shampoo bottle with a pencil. 

        After this, precisely look at the drawn line, leave a little gap, and cut the bottle. Take cardboard as thick as a mobile phone, and cut that cardboard according to its size. 

        And then, fit the cardboard with the cut section of the shampoo bottle part with glue. Paste the bottle with the cardboard by lighter or a candle and give it the shape of your phone. after this, your homemade phone cover will be ready.

       Once your mobile cover is ready, you can make your cover more attractive by adding some color or stickers.

Making a mobile cover using Fluffy Balloons

Material Required

        Fluffy balloons

        Your mobile device


Fluffy balloons



        First of all, one needs to cut the edges of the fluffy balloons with a scissor’s help.

        Once you’re done with that, one of the most difficult is inserting the mobile device into a fluffy balloon; one needs to insert this thing patiently. 

        You need to follow this particular technique. Where you have cut the edges of the fluffy balloon from that section, insert your phone.

        Insert the bottom of your phone into a fluffy balloon. Once you have correctly inserted the fluffy balloon, cut the extra edges of the fluffy balloon pouring out of your phone.

       These fluffy balloons come in different shapes and sizes, and all of them are equally cuter. You can make your phone cover more appealing by following these simple steps and make your mobile cover stand out from others.


Making a mobile cover using a pair of old jeans

Material Required

        Old pair of jeans/ Old denim

        Fabric pen


        Sewing machine (Hand stitching is also preferred)

        Needle and cotton



  • Place the mobile phones on the jeans and cut out the section according to your mobile device’s size. One can easily follow this step by marking the length around the pocket and then cutting it.
  • Once you have cut out the outer portion for the pocket, sew it together, this becomes relatively easy if one can pin it together and then sew it.
  • After finishing it off with sewing, one needs to cut a slit and add a button then your denim flip cover is ready. 
  • We always intend to throw our old pair of jeans; using this method can recycle things and use them to make excellent denim mobile cover. 
  • So far, we have discussed how you can make the mobile cover at home using the material; one can also decorate these mobile covers using his crafting ideas.

Make a mobile cover using colorful tapes.

Material Required

        Colorful tapes

        Old mobile cover



        Firstly gather different colors of colorful tapes which must be in your drawer. 

        Once you find colorful tape then cut those tapes using scissors in different shapes and then paste it in your old mobile cover 

        Once you’re with it, your old mobile cover will be good as new, with added extra style to make it stand out from other devices.

You can use this method to enhance the beauty of your mobile cover.

Making a phone cover using Bedazzled

Material Required



        Old mobile cover


        Gather beautiful shinny Bedazzled which is available in every home and also find some glue which is needed to paste those beautiful bedazzled

        Once you find the required material, try to paste those bedazzled on the mobile cover in various designs.


This technique will give extra elegance to your mobile cover and enhance the beauty of it.


As we have earlier mentioned buying a perfect phone cover can be something very frustrating and not only that it also costs you extra money. Even paying doesn’t provide a satisfactory result once in a while; one should try out this method as mentioned earlier.


How to make a mobile cover at home? All the related doubts about this query are being removed in this article one can easily create a mobile cover using just a simple technique. And not only that you can make these mobile covers using material which are available in our home. We hope you find this article useful and it has helped you understand the thing you were looking for.


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